Thursday, January 21, 2010

Soon to Go Home

We leave Dallas tomorrow for home.  I haven't seen my cats for weeks.  Worse, Melissa hasn't seen her cats for weeks.  We are very anxious to get back.  For the trip home, I thought we would do it in 2 stages.  Since I will not be able to drive, I figured Melissa could take the trip in two 4-hour segments.   This means we should get home Saturday afternoon rather than Friday late evening.

I'd also like to take a minute to summarize what has happened so far, just so I can see it all in one place.

I was diagnosed with a bony mass in December of 2009.
I was referred to a surgeon in Dallas to take care of it.
December 14th, 2010  We saw the surgical team for initial consult.  We scheduled the surgery.
January 4th, 2010 We arrived in Dallas to get our room, settle in, and get some pre-surgery testing out of the way.
January 5th and 6th, 2010 - Pre-surgery Testing
Thursday, the 7th, I got a rest and spent the day with my wife, my mom, my dad, my dad's wife, and my wife's dad.
Friday, January 8th, I checked in to the hospital and had surgery.  I then entered ICU.
January 8th, 9th and 10th I was in ICU
January 11th, I was moved to 5 South 
January 13th (Wednesday) I was discharged from 5 South on and checked back in via ER on January 14th, (Thursday)
January 14th to January 18th I was in-patient for the second time and discharged on Monday, the 18th.
January 18th, 2010 - Moved from one hotel to another for a better recuperative environment.
January 21st, 2010 (today) - sitting around waiting to go home.

So, from Mid-December 2009 to January 21st, 2010 I found out I had a tumor, researched it, located surgeons and had them remove it and then started my recovery from a successful operation in less than 45 days.  I don't know why that seems fast, it just does. 

My mother talked with a gentleman that was a cashier in a Gift Shop in the Hospital.  She was relating my story to someone in line, and he overheard her and said that he had had the EXACT same surgery.  Only his was done immediately, as he had passed out at work and awoke in recovery.  No waiting around for him.  I'm not sure I know what my point is, except that... he had no contol over his treatment.  I had ALL the control over mine.  I'm not sure which position I'd rather be in.

In either case, the surgery is over, it apparently went very well and now all I have to do is wait for the pain to subside, the bone to grow together, the swelling to go down, my eyelid to raise, and my life to get back to normal.  Here's to normal.

For everyone that has followed this Blog so far, thank you very much for your support, for your comments, for your outporing of care and love.  While it still seems very self-involved of me to have created this blog, I know that I wouldn't have had anywhere near the bright spots in my hospital stay without it.  Thanks for being the beacon that I could focus on during the darkest moments of my recovery.


  1. Hi, Kurt!

    First of all I want to congratulate you for enduring so much in such a short time and still coming out great! I realize you still have a ways to go to gain a full recovery, but with your amazing wife, family and friends I believe you have all the support anyone could ever ask for! Know too that my family will continue keeping you in our prayers! God bless you always!

    Also, I want to thank you for the thoughtful comment you left on our blog, and I greatly appreciate your offer to answer any questions I might have about craniofacial surgeries. I hope I never need to ask, but if you keep your blog up, then one day at least I'll know how to contact you if I need to ask any questions.

    Let me also say that I'm unsure if your diagnosis was any better than FD? Do you know? Could it come back or are you cured? I guess time too will tell, eh? Let's pray that it won't and that you can put all this behind you, allowing it only to make you stronger and hopefully more understanding of others in the same place.

    With that said, I want to thank you for so publicly sharing this difficult experience in your life. I hope your blog gave you support you needed, as well as an avenue to vent and share your feelings.

    As a stranger that happened upon it and then shared the peek inside your life that you so generously offered, I cannot thank you enough. After Lauren's diagnosis, to be honest, I simply feel a connection with anyone facing any difficult medical dianosis... does that sound crazy? All I know is that during our darkest days, thankfully, many strangers from distant churches and on the internet prayed for my little girl, and I believe with all my heart that God heard everyone's prayers and that's why He continues keeping her safe in His grace. I was only returning the favor with my prayers for you and your family and will continue to.

    I hope you'll keep your blog going to help others that might face the same challenges. You might not realize it, but it helps others out there more than you know... even me and my family.

    Take good care, feel better soon, and enjoy your beautiful family! We'll be checking in on you! Thank you again and God bless-


    Tanya, Steve, Trey and Lauren

  2. Hi Kurt! I'm so excited for you to be almost home!! I know your cats will be happy to see you guys, too!! I'm so glad you did the blog. It isn't self-involved at all! I'm so glad to be able to check in on you and with you and know what is going on. Thanks for the blog!!

    Keep us posted on your homecoming!!

    Love, Cindy
