Monday, January 4, 2010

Pre-Surgery Testing and THANKS!

Evidently intracranial surgery requires a minor amount of preparation.  I have pre-surgery testing scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday.  On top of the MRI and CAT scans that were done in Kansas City, and the CAT scan that was done here in Dallas the last time we were here, it appears I need ANOTHER MRI, this one using STEALTH filters that will allow a GPS system to map to it so that more exacting cuts can be made.  Don't ask... that's all I heard... Stealth Filters, GPS System, Exact Cuts.   All the rest would be me making up a bunch of stuff to make it look like I knew what I was talking about.

Anyway, that is being done tomorrow at my neurosurgeon's behest.  I then see the neurosurgeon for a brief tête-à-tête.  He will be asking for my input into best methods for intracranial access, taking my opinions and filing them in File 13 (that would be the trash can, for those of you who have never filed).

On Wednesday, I have a full day starting at 10:30 am with admissions paperwork, blood testing, full physical, etc., then upstairs for a photo session (give me sexy, pouty... now growl, like a lion!... work it, work it....).  After the photo session, another tête-à-tête, this time with my craniofacial guy, and to wrap up the day, a CT angiogram.

I have Thursday off before they strap me to a table Friday morning and send me off to oblivion. 

I want to take a minute to thank everyone for their support and well wishes.  My wife, my parents, Tony and Monty, Ryan, Cheryl, Jason, Mendi, Laura, Nick, Kalin, Cindy, Melanie, Kristin, Tim, Tyler, Darren, Karen, Master Locke, Wayne, Martha, David, Lucinda, Tabitha, Alex, AJ, Amanda,  Aunt Jan, Bob, Leah, Hanna, Ryan, Instructor Locke, Instructor Carrillo, and everyone else I forgot to mention, THANK YOU!

....4 Days to Surgery.

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