Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kurt Again!

Well, that post sucked! I just erased a horrid bunch of nonsense.

So, here are the pros: I think I am ready to be released again.
I am eating solid foods again.
My headache pain is manageable and I am on no pain meds.
I am only due to be in town for another 6 days or so. We leave Friday.
I get my staples out on Wednesday.
I have an excellent support staff: my wife, my mom, my dad, his wife, all my wonderful nurses on 5th floor south tower. (Thanks Jenny, Ginnette, Chi, Wendy, Hilary, LaShanda, and everyone else who took care of me on 5 South.)

The cons:
Melissa is getting sick herself. She may have a difficult time taking care of me.
I have started having horrific nightmares. Every time I close my eyes off I go into the worst terrors I have ever had.
My left eye still will not open. A lot of swelling around my face still.

Other than that evrything is super. I just wanted to post to let you know I was alive.

Thanks for thinking if me. I really do apprecite it.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


  1. Glad you are finally feeling better. My bet is once you get home, the dreams will stop. We can take care of you once you get home, so don't worry about that. (You knew there was a reason I don't work) You and Sophie can share stories about pain meds and facial swelling as soon as you feel up to it. It's amazing how much faster you heal when you are 16 vs old like us. Call or email if you need to. I am going out to check on the kitties later today, so I will text and let you know how they are.

  2. Kurt, so good to hear from you that things are better! I know once you get home you will feel so much better! Sucks about the nightmares. Are you still taking Xanax, because that causes nightmares, especially if you take it right before you go to sleep. (I know this from experience.)

    If Melissa is catching a cold, I highly recommend Zicam lozenges. Shari and Jim were both really sick with colds and when I started getting it, I used those and never got sick!

    Keep us posted on how things are going!

  3. Thank you Mendi, for the cats, Sophie for the mutual pain, and Cindy for the helpful tips. I bet it was the Xanax. The nightmares seem to have gone away (with a little help from Valium).
