Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Things have been up, things have been down, I'm outta there!

Medically I appear to be fit. My complaints of pain have been relegated to "my head". As if we didn't know.

The pain that I am experiencing has all been of the headache variety. I am not having much skin pain, incision pain, etc. And the pain during the days, for the most part, has been manageable. I got up and walked, improved motility and swelling is coming down as expected.

So everyone expected me to be released today. Last night was a bit different. We aggressively attacked some plumbing issues I was having during the day yesterday and I paid out the results last night. Like a slot machine I kept paying out the jackpot over and over again. I missed dinner last night because of it.

I cramped fairly badly so took my pain meds and other associated meds as well.

Here is a sidenote on pain meds: I was on injection Fentanyl, darvocet or percocet. I could have the injection every two hours but was discouraged from taking it. I could have the pills every 4 to 6 hours but again discouraged. The Fentanyl worked for about an hour but made me itch. I never felt ANY indication that the narcotic pills were working. I finally got my doctors to change my pain meds to Narco. Hydrocodone plus Tylenol. A combination that still produces very little pain management.

So they added Zanex (sp?) and Ambien to the list so I could get some sleep. Because up to that point, I had no slept more than an hour and a half at a time. I took my first zanex and ambien the night I transferred out of ICU. I slept all night but had a HARD time waking up. Felt like a bad hangover. But I eventually got up and around and entertained a room full of people most of the day.
Then came last night. I skipped dinner, ejected all my coins (see above simile for reference), couldn't eat much for breakfast at all and woke up from an Ambien,Zanex,Narco-induced stupor hazy as heck, lethargic and hungover with sensitivity to light and sound and I have not been able to shake it off all day. I have slept more today to escape the nausea-clouded pain than I have since being put in the hospital. And they released me today.

So, to summarize, I think I may have made quite a few poor decisions in my care. I should have demanded better pain management, never taken so much stuff to loosen your plumbing, never taken an Ambien, or Zanex, or the combination... And maybe I should not let them have discharged me today. I do not feel right.

I am in no way hungry, force myself to gorge down the lightest of foods, sit as still as I possibly can and try not to move thid ice pack on my head. I got up to take a walk a while ago and have never felt more brittle. My head is squishy, the internal pressure behind my eyes and nose feel enormous and I feel like my ability to manage my pain with the tools they gave me at the hospital are not working well.

Hopefully this is just a huge pile of "woe, is me". I hope it is. Tomorrow will bring better things. But for now, it's back to sleep, pray the pain goes away.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


  1. Glad you are out of the hospital, but if you don't feel right, go back. I am sure that once you get caught up on the all the sleep you missed plus the sleep that you need to heal you will begin to feel better. Surely there are better choices for pain management than what you have. What did the pain management specialist say?

  2. We're so glad to hear that you are doing well enough to be discharged. Prayers continue for your pain and full recovery.
    Aunt Jan

  3. Kurt, so sorry to hear what a bad first day out of the hospital was. That sucks! I was horrified that you said they gave you Xanax AND Ambien, those really should not be taken together, one or the other but not both at the same time! No wonder you had trouble waking up the next day and feel hazy! I have personally had bad experiences with Ambien and don't recommend it.

    Shari has difficulties with pain management after surgery, too, so I can totally relate to your problem. I think it's ridiculous that they encouraged you in the hospital to NOT take the pain medicine!! That is not good! Good God, you just had your head carved into! And made into a jackolantern! You need pain control!!!!

    My computer was very sick last night and I couldn't go online. I am hoping you are feeling MUCH better by the time you read this on Thursday! If things are still not going well, I agree that you should go back to the hospital and demand that they get your pain under control. That is not an unreasonable request. I have had to take Shari back to the ER several times after surgeries (much less serious than yours) to get pain under control.

    I'm anxious to hear that you are doing better! If not, I swear I'll drive down there and I will talk to them at the hospital for you! I can be very persuasive!

    I love you! I love Melissa!

  4. I'm glad you got your plumbing working again. I, unfortunately, had the same thing happen when mine started working a week after my c-section. Ryan thought it was hilarious. Imagine that.... Oh, now would be a good time to stop all of the GI meds.

    I would be careful with the Ambien. A lot of people have problems with it. The walk around and do crazy stuff while still asleep problems. Its the only drug where I've seen men AND women strip down naked and try to superman dive off their bed with their IV in one hand and their catheter in the other (both pulled out). And... they were totally asleep.

    Also, I'm with Cindy. If you are in a lot of pain, DO NOT hesitate to go to the ER to get better pain meds. No one will think any less of you.

    Congratulations on your discharge!!! Another big milestone achieved before being able to come home!!

  5. Hi, Kurt!

    We're checking in late, as we just returned from a three day long, out of state Dr.'s appt for our little girl. We are thrilled to know you're out of the hospital, but share concerns too for all you've experienced. Hoping by now that you are feeling MUCH better. Our thoughts and prayers continue for you and your family. God bless you all-

    Tanya and Steve
