Friday, January 15, 2010

It's no wonder

When someone hacks on your skull for 8 hours, it's really not surprising that you develop a migraine. I'm just sayin'.

So 12 hours after Kurt was released, we came back to the ER and it was finally determined he has a migraine. Can't stand any amount of light or sound, nauseous, just wanting to lay very still in a dark quiet room. Yep, that's a migraine. It took me a while to convince the doctors that's probably what was going on.

Then the pain med fiasco started. I'll let Kurt post about that himself. In brief, the various pain meds did not reduce the pain whatsoever and they did make him throw up. OUCH for the cranium that was just operated on!

So he's off all the pain meds now just trying to ride out the migraine til it's run its course. He's also on anti-nausea meds every 4 hours. Hopefully he will be back on solid foods soon so he can get out of here. The new countdown is Days Until We Come Home: 7.

Thanks to everyone for such an amazing outpouring of generosity. Sometimes a person might feel like others don't really come thru like they should. In this case, I have seen so much support and generosity and I am ever so grateful for the meals, the full gas tank, the support, having other people here so I don't have to spend 24-7 at Kurt's bedside, and just having other folks I can talk to. It has helped me so much by feeling that others are in this with me. I could not have made it thru all of this in a strange city in a yucky cheap motel room if I had to be here alone. So thank you to everyone for your prayers and support. I am so grateful.

Now if Kurt will just get over this bump in the road, we can get home to our kitties who I miss so very much but are being well taken care of. Thanks everyone!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


  1. Melissa, I'm so glad to hear that Kurt is okay, even if he is back in the hospital. I'm so glad you took him back in. I'm praying that he is relieved from his pain very SOON! I'm sending him Reiki and love! Keep us posted!

  2. Chin up! This too shall pass!

    Look What I found today!

  3. Cindy, thank you for the healing thoughts. My headaches are now controllable without pain meds. I do a LOT of meditation and biofeedback and ue a bunch of ice, too. With that and Reiki you can't go wrong!

    Jason, thanks for the pictures. I look like I was 12. Then I look like I was a presumptuous 30 year old with the goatee and the beard. Now I just look wierd. All moon-headed with the swelling and all. I'll try to post a current "after" picture.
