Saturday, January 9, 2010

He's up and about

They got Kurt up and walked around a bit. He told me this when I came back from dinner. So that's very good news! They gave him another dose of pain meds so he's trying to rest now while I hold his hand, but what with all the machines whirring and buzzing and clicking and beeping, how do they expect anyone to get any actual rest????? It will be good when he is released so he have some QUIET to get some real sleep. Don't know yet when that will happen but we are all looking forward to it. Now we just have to figure out how to keep him occupied when he's back at the hotel recovering, as we're in Dallas for 2 more weeks...any suggestions, your comments are welcome. I need to find the nearest Redbox for DVD's - do they have those here?
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    This will direct you to your closest Redbox. Laura went out and checked on the cats. They are doing fine. I am going out to shovel and take out your trash on Tuesday. Let me know what else you need

  2. Every day Kurt will feel a little bit better now that the worst is over with. I'm continuing to send him healing thoughts and prayers!! Maybe you can find a local library and check out some books on tape as well as DVDs down there. And maybe a book you can read to him? I'm sure he isn't going to be up to reading for a while. Also maybe some magazines or something?

    I'm so glad he is doing well. Both of you hang in there! You'll be home soon!

    Love, Cindy
