Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blog-Xperiment Final

I think Lorazepam (Ativan) is another word for sleeping pill.  I was drowsy, fell asleep, thus, no anxiety.  I feel robbed.  Ah well.  I took the last pill about 10 minutes ago and am waiting for it to kick in.

Tomorrow morning at 4:30 am I will awaken and repeat my shower from tonight.  Normally I would not tell you about my shower as, let's be honest, no one needs to know about my showers... but!  This time, I did it with a solution called "Hibiclens" and will be required to do it again in the morning.  Scrub everywhere and my head twice. Twice.  I'm gonna be super-clean! 

Then at 5:45 am I will drive over to the hospital with my family in tow.  My mom is here with my step-dad.  My wife is here.  Her dad is coming in tonight.  (His plane got massively delayed and by the time he got here, his reservation had been cancelled at the place where we are all staying and the office closed)  He is staying close to the airport and will come out tomorrow.  My father is here with his wife.  They RV'ed in from Southern California where they were wintering.  My brother is flying in tomorrow afternoon.  Thanks guys.  I guess it IS nice to have people.

My surgery is scheduled to start at 7:30 am with admissions at 6 am.  I will be in surgery for who-knows-how-long, but people start going home after eight hours, so....

I will show Melissa or somebody how to post using my Blackberry so we can get updates from the hospital.

Everybody have a productive day tomorrow and don't spend too much time looking me up.  I don't want the entire plane to come to a stop just because I am having surgery.  (I secretly do, just don't tell anyone)

Days to surgery - none.  Just one looooooong night.  Sleep safe.


  1. Sorry I didn't get this comment up sooner for Kurt to read. Kurt, if you do read this before you go in to your surgery, please know that our prayers are with you. All of your angels will be alert and awake and helping keep you safe during your surgery! I have asked some of my angels to come help out, too, so your angels don't get overworked.

    I love you and know you are going to come out of this even more handsome than you already are!!!

  2. What with my angels, your angels, and heaven's host filling in the backfield, I think we are going to ROCK this surgery.

    Thank you Cindy, for your support through this. Remember, you were my first commenter!

    I love you, too.

  3. Kurt,

    It's 7:07A.M. and my husband and I are thinking of you as you are about to go into surgery. Our prayers will remain with you throughout the day and throughout your recovery!

    Although we have never met, which might seem strange to some, we know all too well how the prayers of those we don't know personally have helped our daughter. Now we hope to help you by lending our faith and prayers for you!

    May God guide your doctors today and keep you safe in His grace, while bringing comfort to your family... and what an amazing supportive family you have! You are greatly blessed!

    We'll be checking back in on you frequently! Good luck and God bless you!

    Tanya and Steve

  4. I would like to see the total bill,ie.the what they charged, and what was denied, and what the final pay out is. jim
