Thursday, February 4, 2010

Not the Oxycodone

Okay.  So last time I was on here, I was having breathing problems.  I quit the oxycodone and the problems persisted.  Yesterday, they concerned me so much, I got a neighbor to drive me to my doctor's office.  They put a pulse/ox machine on me and I registered 99% with a pulse of 72.  All normal.  I was still feeling like I had a weight on my chest, though, so my doctor ordered a chest x-ray and CT of chest to rule out pulmonary embolism.

Great.  Another CT Scan.  This was the 4th CT Scan since December 17th.  It was the 11th time I was dosed with some kind of radiation between the MRI's,CT scans and x-rays.  I think I am done for awhile.

The nurse came out last night and told us the radiologist found no pulmonary embolism and that we could leave.  I went home, fell asleep for 4 hours and woke up without that sense of pressure.  I slept an additional 6 hours last night and woke up this morning feeling fine.

So now I am a hypochondriac.  Ok, then.  Where did I leave those Valium?


  1. I too have experienced this in the past, and also went through the same tests at the hospital... only to ultimately be diagnosed as being under high stress and anxiety. They too prescribed low dose Valium, which I only took a couple times (I'm not much on taking meds of any kind, unless I have to). Only a few episodes have happened over the following years, and when they come I've learned to just relax and calm my mind, and as I concentrate on my breathing they soon pass. How's that for sharing???

    Hope you are feeling better!

  2. That about EXACTLY sums up what I now plan to do for any of this stuff in the future. In fact, this CT was one of those CT angiograms where they dose you with the contrast media REALLY fast. I kept thinking... ok, testing for blood clot... high volume in short time means high pressure... high pressure means could dislodge clot... throw a clot in a lung and... oh! "Hey, stop this crazy ride! I WANT OFF!!!!

    So, I think I will keep my anxiety to myself, buy a pulse/ox device just so I know I am not about to die of anoxia and ride the breathlessness out. And focus on my cooking. lol.

  3. It's my understanding that MRI's do not use radiation, but rather magnets (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). So perhaps it is some small comfort to know that those did not add to your total radiation exposure. I'm so glad that you are having some pain relief.
    Aunt Jan
