The surgery is 17 days away. There are 4 weekend days in there. There are 4 Holiday days in there (if one counts Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day as holidays). Remove those 8 days and that leaves 9 days until the surgery. 3 of those days are going to be taken up by pre-surgery testing and one of those days is consumed in driving to Dallas.
That leaves 5 business days to arrange for insurance coverage (done), disability insurance paperwork filing (not done), FMLA paperwork filing (half-done), and receiving paperwork from the physician's office that detail those tests I mentioned earlier. I still do not have those papers.
Which brings me to today's topic. Either the world revolves around me or it doesn't. In a whirlwind of less than a month, I have been to see 5 surgeons, had 2 CT Scans, had 5 radiologists read them, one MRI, another 2 radiologists, and 2 visits with a family practice physician. All this has occurred in the same time frame usually required to get in to see my family practice physician for a physical exam. I am starting to think these people are REALLY interested in my bump. Is it an osteoma? osseous fibroma? atypical fibrous dysplasia? bone hemangioma? Whatever it is, I am most definitely a FASCINOMA!
So... there are grounds to believe the world revolves around Kurt.
"Then where's the paperwork?", you might ask. This paperwork defines the tests I am to have pre-surgery. It defines where I go, who I see, what time I have to be there, etc. All of the things that HAVE to be accomplished before I can get to the O.R.
Where is it? Still at the craniofacial surgeon's (cfs) office. It appears that the staff at the neurosurgeon's (ns) office aren't keeping in touch with the staff at the cfs's office. Obviously they did not get the memo. The "Revolviong Kurt" memo.
I spoke with a young lady today at the cfs's office. And in typical healthcare fashion, when she heard the anxiety in my voice and the consternation regarding lack of paperwork, she actually got mad and defensive toward me and told me it wasn't HER fault I was upset. I ended up consoling her and assuring her I was not angry, simply anxious that a cohesive plan of action had still not been developed regarding entry into my skull. I think
she thinks the world revolves around
HER! In fact, I am starting to develop a whole new world-view.
This may seem obnoxiously obvious to some, and thrillingly New Age-y to others, but I am starting to think that everyone (you, me, the doctors, their staff, their patients, and everyone who is NOT their patient) believes the world actually revolves around THEM! As if there are billions of worlds, each revolving around isolated members of humanity. Therefore, collectively, we walk around in a world-revolving haze, unable to see that we are all revolving around each other. So, I guess there is evidence that the world is NOT revolving around me.
Of course, in typical Kurt fashion, tomorrow I will wake up and the paperwork will have been sent off, all the talk will be focused on the "Bump Surgery", and previously unopened doors will be flung wide in an effort to cut the darned thing out. So, evidence to the contrary, it will be proven that the world does, indeed, revolve around me.
Have a great night everyone!